“Then tell me you will live with your fear and your doubt and even so, bring me to light.”
A few weeks back, I finished a collection of short stories given to me by Vir. I was looking for something light to read during my daily travels, as the Red and Black by Stendhal or the shayari of Firak were becoming too heavy to read in transit.
This is my favourite line from the whole book, from the story Naina by Shauna Singh Baldwin. The book being, ‘The HarperCollins Book of New Indian Fiction’ and edited by noted writer, Khushwant Singh.
In the short introduction, Singh says, “The stories in this collection have been judiciously selected and represent the best of Indian writing around the world. Like Indian cuisine, they are as different as idli-sambar of the South is from tandoori chicken of the North, machher jhole from the East coast is from the pao-bhaaji of the West. And yet, they still retain a uniquely Indian flavour.”
I’ll be posting some story excerpts, from this collection on our (me & dee’s) other blog, akshar, which constitutes of the things we’ve encountered in our literary journeys so far.
The novel I mentioned earlier, ‘Red & Black’ by Stendhal is taking too much time to get over, or maybe I’m really short on time these days. It’s a good read, will post something from its pages also.
Apart from that, have been reading ‘Firak’ Gorakhpuri’s self-chosen collection of his best nazms, ghazals, and such titled ‘Bajm-e-Zindagi, Rang-e-Shayari’ published by Gyanpith. Have read so many poets and shayars, but to be true, never read someone like him. Highly recommended from my side, although the Urdu usage is heavy and one must have more than basic acquaintance with this wonderful language to cherish Firaq. My limited knowledge not withstanding, am still going ahead with the collection, and discovering new & new gems of poetry.
Next on my reading list are Sheharyar, Fielding & Marlowe. And oh yes, ‘How to Stop Worrying…’ from Mr. Carnegie too. I hope, I’ll be able to post some of this on akshar, for your pleasure. See you there,
- adi
This is one book I'd love to pick up. :)
My reading habits have waned over the last few years!! :( I have to start reading again!!
Ur header pic simply ROCKZ!
u were on my blog long bak..n am here after a long time
OK! Will keep watching the space :-)
I quite like the Blog Header . . . so many hands reaching out to nurture Delhi Dreams?
aditi: where r u twin :(
vi: yes, u must. but i wish u cud read firaq too :)
mm: do asap! and m sorry, the header pic is changed now. m impatient with beauty around :)
khamakha: yes, i was. good blog u've. thanks.
sigma: u din't give any indication of maintaining ur promise ;)
anil: exactly, this was my thought there. thanks :)
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