Elegant, esctatic exuberance of colours, that's what I would call Paheli - India's nomination to Oscars this year.
Saw it just a few days ago on Star Gold. A poetry in motion, a dream on celluloid, a fairytale with a happy ending- who would mind that.
Some do. For them it's an illogical movie. A ghost falling in love with a girl & living with her as a husband. And the girl knowingly accepting his desires. "This is particularly, not so...real", they say.
I take a different view of things. As I told Rashmi also. For me, this movie is all about Love. And love is always impractical, always illogical.
It is love, that forced a ghost to proclaim, "I won't be able to live without you." It is love, that helped the girl in deciding between a husband who left her for five years on the first night and a ghost who is true enough to reveal his identity.
Paheli gives you a dream to dream of, a hope. It tells you, 'Love makes everything possible' and that is why it must be seen.
A must see. Save me a copy on DVD when I come and visit you. Your blog is really nice. What's your position in the ad agency?
movies r unreal dear.......i am living the story..........
a ghost in love with me........madly badly.......first i thot it was zeus........but then i was answered one day........they r different.....but talkin' of the ghost for now.......aah.....he dosen't let my journeys b painful.........asks me to take a break from those wild scenes tht keep running in my mind.........how can somebody love me so much....i'll make sure this guy n zeus do not meet.....
my 'false world' does not have too many charecters......but he is the lead guy.......poori kahani fir kabhi bataungi.
the magnanimity of the loneliness of the two people who suffered the most ...juhi and the original husband of rani...can only be felt when watched in a screen in a hall...
i can stil feel the pain of the man sitting by the fire between those dunes. feeling small. and thinking "had i stayed back with my love,i would be bigger than this world.than this fire wisping to cut me...than the dark night trying to over power me...or even bigger than the desert trying to gulp me down"
...nature makes u feel small (humble in a simpler word) and love just makes u the opposite...
i felt 'that' wen i looked into the vast feilds ...enroute to my journey with my beloved...
Adi...I need to write you an email. I want you to think about a web project which unites South America and India. It's a new type of photo agency, and I need a really good website builder who would want to do it for free, and get it running, then with the first sales, I can see how we repay him/her time. Something along the lines of Flickr.com, or apimages.com, do you know a bright, enthusiastic person in India who would dedicate some time to build a fab webpage, and that way we can exhibit work from the Americas and India?? let me know, I want you part of the project. The fact that we are all connected means that we can develop this via email....
sorry about your email account. look at the floowing website:
These sites are photo agencies, like the one we are going to create to put powerful images online for ad agencies, magazines in India, South America...simple but impactful. Preferably I like white background like gettyimages.com. navigation has got to be simple and fast. Where we can upload images from India, Colombia, Europe etc...with a shopping cart to download the pictures. As a copy writer have you got any good name suggestions for the .com??
I havent seen it yet. I want to though.
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