am free of love.
at least for the time being;)
found it, lost it,
and the best part is being ignored by the one you love.
ignorance is the worst form of abuse.
am free of life.
one more reason less to live.
and bugsy says, she knows how i feel.
i agree bugsy.
but u had someone to tell to.
all i have is this.
ignored by the person u love....wouldnt i know abt it?
harry u also have a lot of people to tell it too.... atleast hagrid is all ears...she always is....
if ignorance is the worst form of abuse then how come its the best part.
adi, well i love u ....so dont ignore me.....dont want any more oxymorons in life....
hmmm why wasn't i told of this before...was i unavailable or u were again into hiding....?
i have no clue....
in a way maybe i had closed my ears....
my walls wud include my ears now....rather i put them on right now as u read this....hmm
this particular post is the reason is behind the big fuss....
a bit confusing i guess !
iam allowed to do blunderz.....
ain't i ?
bugs knows how u feel......
she feels how u feel..
in words of my good frend aparna...
iam not living my own life..
its ur life tht iam living....
like in ur pic with neeru....it took me 30secs to realise tht iam not alok but bugs.......
it sent shivers down my spine......
he is so happy......how cud he leave this place.....wht if he did?
i am living u........
and if having someone to tell this to is such a previledge........u can alwez take it away.......
but how does bugs feel?
nobody feels tht way.......
i pray nobody ever finds out,or lives it.....
iam alive coz iam a stone,heartless.
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