no no my heart
not the blazing sun
nor the brightest star possible
lets glow like a mellow moth
and wade through the night
to that beacon, this heaven's delight
not the blazing sun
nor the brightest star possible
lets glow like a mellow moth
and wade through the night
to that beacon, this heaven's delight
I love it!
Thank you so much. Beautiful.
now i understand why this has been left untitled...
Just beautiful.love it Adi.
gillian: thanks blue. it is a pleasure to have u around.
mm: hmmmmm
starry: thanks lalitha.
no no my love,
lets just fly into the sun,
that has lost its blaze...
into its melting sparkles,
on a darkening sea...
lets just be the spectators,
of a million stars...
lets not glow today,
and not make a myth of being
travelling stars today...
lets just float on water,
be the dried
"chinar" leaves on the Dal....
and float away ...home...
where ur smell lingers...
and heart fills up...
with u
this was for both the posts...this one and the last....
translate urs in hindi....
I get the goosebumps, when I read you sometimes. Consider getting published :)
Yep Adi!
U r right!!
Delhi Dreams just doesnt need a template to spice things up!!
It ROCKS, as it is!!
By the way, love that header pic!
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
this painting leaves me breathless. i'm so glad that you left a comment on my blog so that i could follow it here!
wah! bhai - koi publisher dhoondkey de deejiye naa - u'l make a celebrity poet, i am sure.
smita & dharma
pls. do find a publisher for me :) thanks.
mm: u r the first one to say that, this pic is very special.
kaylee: thanks. hope u r doing fine these days :)
jessie: ummmm, u din't say anything aboutthe words ;) well, the pic is not by me, it comes courtsey corbis.com
anyways, welcome to delhidreams. hope u'll come again. and again...
beautiful Adi:)
hugs :)
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