Thursday, April 16, 2009

god, i need more lives *corrected*

01. anbraham maslow's 'the farther reaches of human nature'
02. 'remains of the day' by ishiguro
03. a book of essays on male sexuality and its effect on society
04. 'the hours' by michael cunningham
05. 'einstein's dreams' by alan lightman
06. an anthology of (ancient) greek plays
07. a book by marquez whose name i don't seem to remember now
this was wrong, i didn't buy any book by marquez. tried selling her the fact that i did and fought with her :( found out that my memory deceived me big time. the book i bought instead was, quite ironically, the memory keeper's daughter
and my favorite,
08. journals of captain Scott on his last expedition to the antarctica.
*wink* *wink*

all of these for only Rs. 440, that is Rs. 55 per book. can you beat that?

those who live in Delhi would know what i'm boasting about. sunday afternoon found me rambling alone amongst delhi's largest collection of used / second hand books. dressed in a crumpled bermuda, even more crumpled tee and sandals and cap, i must have looked like a geeky backpacker to most of the people when i landed up at the Sunday Book Bazaar in the Daryaganj area of central Delhi. perhaps taking pity on my pestered look (it was unbearably hot) the shopkeepers gave me these fabulous prices, but i'm sure, more seasoned adventurers get better books at better discounts! me and dee have sometimes bought 20 books in around a thousand bucks! no wonder i missed her so much. i say boss, if you happen to be in delhi on a sunday, this place is a must visit.

what i am reading these days - updated
am reading The Fragrance of Guava, Marquez's take on life, books, family, love and everything under the macondo sun and boy, it is such an engrossing read. apart from that, a little sprinkling of sheharyar's poetry and the world's best copywriter's trying to instill some sense into my already-cluttered-with-advertising-mind in the much revered 'the copy book'.

well, left all of these midway and started Arthur C Clarke's trilogy. i know, it's quite late in life! have completed the first, that is 2001: A Space Odyssey. almost half way through the second one, and then there's the third one too. needless to say, even after all these years, the books are unputdownable.

what i plan to read
and believe me, there are literally a thousand must read books, that well, i must read before i die. god, i need a separate life just to read to my fill, then one to write about it all, then one to travel the world and take photographs, and one more to write blog posts about this all.

Now playing: Muse - Supermassive Black Hole
via FoxyTunes


sudeep bhaumick said...

:) Amen !

human being said...

and another life just for listing the wishes, eh?

may all your wishes come true, Adee...

Ash said...

And I have to shell out about 3 pounds for a second hand book here :-(

Memory Keeper's daughter is such a beautiful and intense read. One of my favorites too.

dreamt before

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