barti huyi kathputliyon jaise
pade huye ye manushye
jeev vibhinn, aur ajeev
aaj ka parv khatam hua
kal phir se
doriyan khichoonga inki
phir shuru hoga manchan
jeevan ka
ratri ke is antim prehar mein
sutradhar inka
kar loon thoda vishram abhi
attempt at translation, somebody who can enhance it, is always welcome...
these beings, strewn across
like used puppets
varied forms, living and not
the episode today has ended
tomorrow again
will pick their strings
once more
the play will start
of life
in this last hour of night
their director
want to have a little rest now
Its indeed true, that the beauty of it is lost in translation. those hindi lines are well... just outta this world!!
Adi dear
Ofcourse I dont hv the capability to design those pictures and templates myself. Do take a look at http://www.blogskins.com to find 100's of templates that wud suit ur taste!!
Happy Skinning!
hmm, every day - a play on the stage of life :)
yup, sorry again ... the translation doesnt match the original. Amn't I lucky I can read hindi ;-)
tum inho Hindi mein bhi daalo na please.
Its a lovely poem, but then, all your poems are.
tum inko Hindi mein bhi post karo na please.
The poem is lovely, but then it always is :-)
Thanks for the translation.Words with true meaning.
Beautiful words as usual.
Thank you,
velu & sigma
m really beginning to be bothered about these translation skills of mine. what do i do?
velu: thanks for the blogskins. half of the day was spent searching the prefect skin for delhidreams, but cudnt find a single one that suits my taste.
and m glad to know that u read these poems in hindi :)
preeti: thanks and welcome to delhidreams.
sigma: yes u r, but main kya karoon? it is necessary that i post them in english :(
howdy: so nidhi ji, kaisi hain aap? thanks for the words. aur hindi mein to aap hi post karogi ;)
starry: thanks lalitha. especially when m very much bothered with my translation skills. how r u?
gillian: thanks blue :)
Hello...blog hopped from twisted dna's. Your name caught my attention, my infant shares it with you :)
Nice to meet you here!
Adi, I know. I am just counting my blessings :-D
Damn!!! One mistake by Google and this happens!! Google, i will not forgive you! (grrr, and adequate drama to be imagined)
And while we are at it, please call me hdwk only.. mujhe yahi naam zyada pasand hai! :-)
beautiful heart in your effervescent
words Adi dear:)
hi adi
thanks for visiting my blog and living me comments
your blog is very special
i like words....
thanks....for the inspiration
your blog has me speechless
wonderfully so....
parul: i love to meet my namesakes :) and well, ur name is also important for me. welcome to delhidreams paru.
sigma: ? ;) shudnt i ask u to help me in translation!!!
howdy: nahi i'll call u howdy. mujhe ye naam jyada pasand hai :) and hows the baby and the mother doing? kuch naam rakha?
maddie: thanks dear soul dreamer :)
aop: thanks for coming here dear friend. i was wondering what was stopping u :) welcome to delhidreams.
tongueincheek: ur blog has been an inspiration. and secretly i wished u'll come over someday :) welcome to delhidreams.
is it just for the ske of being different or am i seriously touched in the head.....i actually found the translation better than the hindi poem.....rather i might as well add what i immediately felt..
i felt i was reading my 8th class hindi reader...with heavy duty hindi poems which had to be understood and be told in the class...and jiske questions in the exam paper was like this
"barti huyi kathputliyon jaise
pade huye ye manushye
jeev vibhinn, aur ajeev
aaj ka parv khatam hua
kal phir se"
upar likhi kavita se kavi ka kya tatparya hai?
200- 300 shabdo mein ullekh karen.
( marks)
no offence dahling...but seriously the english one was better.uh though i do love the hidi bit of the second para..."ratri ke is antim prehar mein....main....sutradhar inka...kar loon thoda vishram"
the ultimate question is...who in this world lets us rest...they wont even let anyone close their eyes. or even avert them in disgust....
shadows: highly appreciated :) atlest koi to comment karta hai!
u wont ever stop being the sarcastic bastard that u are!!!
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