New ad for Oliver Peoples. Really loved the gorgeous video though I won't say that it's an ad J
Must check the video here:
Who knew throwing paint in the air could be so beautiful? J
Watch 'Highspeed footage of flying paint' :
Incredible idea: Making the world a better place with every credit card swipe!
SwipeGood is a credit card service that rounds your purchases up to the nearest dollar and donates the difference to a charity of your choice:
OMG! i've never seen anything like this before!!! 'Civilization'
"Civilization, a video mural created for the new Standard hotel in New York City, by Marco Brambilla, depicts a journey from hell to heaven interpreted through modern film language using computer-enhanced found footage. This epic video mural contains over 300 individual channels of looped video blended into a multi-layered seamless tableau of interconnecting images that illustrate a contemporary, satirical take on the concepts of Heaven and Hell. One of the most impressive and fully realized affect effects projects you will ever see. Bravo Marco."
A very useful infographic on Facebook and how it is affecting our lives.
Soon, your life will be nothing but Facebook
No one like Steyn
A beautiful article by Cricinfo Assistant Editor, Dileep Premchandran. Must read if you are cricket fan!
"He's the only one today who matches up to Lillee, Thommo, Maco, Wasim, Waqar and the other fast-bowling greats of the past." Click here:
A timely message from Greenpeace on the need to save our oceans.
Read the complete post and please share it with all you can:
Is a clean energy world possible in next 40 years?
A carbon neutral solar and wind powered world in 20 to 40 years?
"Is it achievable? You bet! All it takes is the political and social will to make it happen says two California based researchers who have just published a study of the material resources and technology required to power the world 100 per cent by carbon emission neutral alternative energy technologies. It would also save 2.5 million to 3 million lives a year through slashing water and air pollution and simultaneously slow global warming and the problems of climate change, and develop secure, reliable energy sources and at costs comparable with what we spend on energy today."
Read the full report here:
Why don't we truly value poetry?
A brilliant and timely article, read it in full here:
Music review of Saat Khoon Maaf
As I wrote in the comment to his post, this gentleman makes me love reading about the album more than actually listening to music J do check the fabulous post at:
hi adi
after a long long time, m back to delhidreams..!! it looks so new to me now..even better n matured..!!
u r doing really good adi..good luck..!
again ll be a frequent visitor..
cheers !
ur 'about me' is really cool!
aaadee: thanks! i haven't forgotten u :) hope we'll b in touch once again!
V!Vs: thanks! and nice 'name' u have chosen here! :)
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