when everything has been said, done and thought of. when you pack your bags and step out for a new journey, to a different place, with a different caravan. when you look back at things and...
...and say to yourself, "don't look back, stay focussed on the things to come. its time to shape up to a new future."
wish us luck.
good luck
Ab kya kar raha hai...???? Shaadii??!!!??
wish u all the luck adi .... i knw u will do well & at times its not even bad to luk back coz u knw u can pick up something interesting for future ....
best of luck buddy
alok (gblogger - hey no confusion this time)
hey Adi! first time i hit ur blog...& 'tis cool!
And,as u said ,wish u GOOD LUCK!
my prayers n best wishes are always with u...
wishing u lotz of luv, luck and happiness...
All d best!
I love so much the idea of a "caravan"
(for me it is a housboat)
and daring to imagine a new life -
with your princess - and a bit of poetry
of course.
Love you Adi and Dee:)
good luck...falling into grace I am sure.
Good luck to u mate..this one is seriously from heart..n u knw that :)..
So the dark before the dawn has given itself away to the first golden rays of a brand new day?
Sending you loads of good wishes and prayers!!!
You have it because I said so. Go on, all the best.
aditi: thanks twin
pino: new job. thats it. dont worry, haven't left copywriting :)
alok: right sir. thanks.
sagnik: thanks. and welcome to delhidreams. will visit your blog soon.
pheebes: i need those wishes. and i wish the same to u.
arti: thanks.
maddie: daring to imagine a new life.... hmmmm, thanks a tonn my poetess.
switchsky: nah! not yet :)
dreamcatcher: u take care too. hope ur words would have returned by now.
dust: yup! and a lot of dust has settled ;)
ash: thanks ashwathy. thanks a lot.
jac: hey, nice to have you here. thanks for the wishes 'dost'.
Good luck :)
Hugs and love to both of you :)
Stay Beautiful...!!
dharma & sugar: thanks a lot.
Consider it wished :-D
you say "wish US luck" ,,, and as I see here in the comments, it refers to your new job ..... so just a little question ... who are the others included in the "US" part - your new employers ? :-D
hey Adi..good luck but then do let me know what is it that m wishing u for..:) then only we will be able to tell God a more specific wish :)
I wish you good luck
All the Best.. but what is it that you ppl are planning?
dee: the force is with us. all we've to do is find its manifestation within ourselves. may we be able to do that. amen.
sigma: ah! coming from u? didn't expect this :) the 'us' is dee n me. it is a major career move and it'll affect the both of our futures.
thanks for the wishes. btw, yes, the employers do need to be congratulated for their guts ;)
aaadee: its a job switch, i shud have made quite some time before. thanks for the wishes.
mindslide: thanks.
howdoweknow: read the reply to sigma and aaadee above pls. thaks for the wishes.
A very good luck to you dear..
May you achieve all you want in your life..
Take care
whats up??
shruti: thanks dear friend :)
appu: after a lot of days n delays, someone else took the risk of employing me.
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